A Travellerspoint blog


Feeling safe!


The Pori Jazz festival is one of those festivals you could fall in love with. It has a charm all by itself, with over 130,000 people attending this festival you will feel the inspiration. The last time I attended this festival James Brown was there along with the group Zap Mama. You feel safe and you will have to enjoy yourself here, that's one of the things I like about jazz festivals and that is you Feel Safe!

To me, that was worth more than anything today. Feeling safe in a crazy world. When I say this I think I'm speaking for just about everyone who travels. After doing the airport and taxi dance, you want to go somewhere safe and this is the place. I like to call this (the comfort zone).

So, sit back and enjoy some great music and have a drink on me. You'll be glad you did!

Posted by TourDogg 23:42 Archived in Finland Tagged festivals music air events jazz open

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